Image may contain: Smile, Portrait, Face, Tree, Plant, Flora, Person, People, Human

PINK week is coming to Sussex, here’s what’s happening

Let’s get pink and think about breast cancer

In the UK, an extraordinary 27 percent of breast cancer cases are preventable. Despite this, the illness tragically takes the lives of many our loved ones.

From April 24rd-29th, volunteers from the University of Sussex are bringing this to attention by hosting a 'pink week' in Brighton. The campaign encourages you to be aware of, learn how to detect and prevent the effects of breast cancer.

Throughout the week, a series of events are running, ranging from glitter nips to a big boob beach takeover. Events will be held across Brighton, including; Falmer Campus, the Pop-Up gallery and Proud Cabaret.

Image may contain: Market, Pc, Laptop, Electronics, Computer, Umbrella, Canopy, Vase, Pottery, Potted Plant, Plant, Jar, Flora, Person, People, Human

Pink Wednesday volunteers in 2017

After the success of last year, unique t-shirt designs will be available to buy for £8 at each event and around campus. All money collected will go towards the charities CoppaFeel! and Breast Cancer Now.

Image may contain: Shop, Market, Bazaar, Person, People, Human

Last year's glitter boob event

The events are as follows:

Tuesday 24th April:

If you're on campus between 11am 5pm, make sure that you venture to the Pink Week market stall situated at Falmer Quad. Here, you'll be able to buy T-shirts and talk to volunteers about becoming more aware of breast cancer.

Image may contain: Poster, Performer, Musical, Music, Leisure Activities, Person, People, Human

In the evening, head to their fabulous Pop-Up venue in Brighton to enjoy a life drawing class from 7-9pm.

Wednesday 25th April:

On Wednesdays, we glitter our nipples. Pink Week is hosting their very own immersive art based club night at the Proud Cabaret. At their event, which is running between 9pm and 2am, expect art installations, performances and workshops.

Image may contain: Figurine, Shoe, Footwear, Clothing, Sphere, Ball

You and your friends should be ready to glitter up and enjoy a colourful night in support of breast cancer awareness.

Thursday 26th April:

Don't miss this yoga class held at the Pop-Up gallery in Brighton. Whether you're familiar with yoga or not, everyone's welcome to enjoy this class between 7 and 9pm.

Image may contain: Yoga, Working Out, Stretch, Sports, Sport, Fitness, Exercise, Furniture, Couch, Person, People, Human

Friday 27th April:

Friday marks the day of the main event: the Exhibition Launch. From 7-10pm, a fantastic evening of boob-based art will be held at Pop-Up in Brighton. Come along with your friends for an memorable night and support an important cause.

Image may contain: Seasoning, Ketchup, Food, Tin, Can, Aluminium

Saturday 28th April:

Don't miss out on the big beach boob takeover held at Pop-Up Brighton. If you're looking for a alternative way to spend your Saturday, check out their event between 11am and 6pm.

Sunday 29th April:

To round off this incredible week, a boob-brunch is on offer at Pop-Up Brighton. From 11am until 5pm, you're welcome to enjoy a tasty brunch to celebrate the end of a crazy Pink Week.

Image may contain: Headband, Hat, Clothing, Cup, Person, People, Human

If you're interested in helping out during pink week, email Sanam Mehta at [email protected].

For more information, visit their Facebook page here.