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While SUSU remain silent about Emily Dawes, they ask students to vote on whether they should start selling meal deals

We may not have a Union president for the rest of the year, but at least we’ll have £3 lunches, right?

It's been three weeks since the Emily Dawes controversy erupted. After releasing one statement SUSU have remained silent, whilst an investigation takes place.

This has, however, not stopped them from cracking on with getting to grips with the issues that really matter – like asking students to vote on whether the SUSU shop should introduce meal deals.

Steve Gore, SUSU's VP Sports, has urged students to vote for whether the Union Shop should start offering lunchtime meal deals. The petition was set up the day Emily Dawes returned to work after being on leave for two weeks.

Someone replied to the tweet, saying: "With everything that has gone on in the last three weeks regarding @SUSU, @SotonPres and @SotonVPDCI this is the vote you want to have?"

Ironically, this petition for SUSU meal deals also comes at the same time as a petition to remove Emily Dawes is being created by students – which SUSU has so far declined to comment on.

Of course, as the SU have repeatedly explained, there are processes and investigations that must be followed. However, maybe the real decision at hand here is whether to scrap SUSU altogether, and replace it with a BLT and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps – it will probably leave a much better taste in our mouths.