Joke Candidate Now Takes Elections SERIOUSLY

In a tumultuous day for SUSU elections, where two candidates withdrew, SUSUtv had some technical problems and couldn’t record the VP Student Communities Debate and some of the campaign posters weren’t […]

In a tumultuous day for SUSU elections, where two candidates withdrew, SUSUtv had some technical problems and couldn’t record the VP Student Communities Debate and some of the campaign posters weren’t printed on time, one joke candidate has decided to campaign seriously.

Tom Rogers was running for EVERY position in the Sabb elections but has this evening announced he will withdraw from these positions except VP Student Communities. The only other candidate in the running is current VP Student Communities, Oli Coles.

Tom said:

I started this week as a joke candidate but since going over Olis (sic) progress from last year and seeing that he is uncontested, I have decided to drop out of the other races and run against him as a serious candidate.

As this decision has been made after the close of nominations, Tom is not allowed to update is manifesto on the SUSU website.

The candidates in the running for VP Student Communities: (left to right) Oli Coles, ReOpen Nominations and Tom Rogers

Tom’s serious manifesto can be viewed here. Oli Coles manifesto can also be viewed here. As SUSUtv failed to record the VP Communities debate, you can catch up with it via our liveblog.