Wasted second year breaks into own house because he forgot his keys
He climbed up to his second story room and smashed the window
A hapless second year broke into his own house after forgetting his keys on a heavy night out.
Business Studies second year Ben returned home at 3am and realised none of his housemates were home.
So he drunkenly climbed up the wall and smashed the window of his upstairs bedroom on Devonshire Place in Jesmond, the student area of Newcastle.
His housemates arrived home an hour later at 4am to find the broken window.
Newcastle third year Will said: “When we found Ben he was so drunk he could barely string a sentence together.
“We were pretty shocked and confused to find glass everywhere.”
At first housemate from hell Ben denied responsibility, instead claiming they had been broken into.
Will said: “He managed to convince us it was someone else, so I called the police who came over and everything.
“By the next morning we all realised he was lying after seeing scratches on his knuckles.”
Luckily Ben’s housemates were able to see the funny side.
Will said: “We weren’t annoyed at him, we just thought it was hilarious.
“We even chucked his wardrobe and loads of his shit out of the window afterwards.
“Windows are overrated anyway. It was just a desperate cry for attention from Ben.”
Despite this, one of the housemates wasn’t pleased and ended up moving out because of the incident.
Will said: “He couldn’t hack it. He’d moved in through an add on a website, and what Ben did must have scared him off.”
The window has now been boarded up but not replaced, and the boys have lost their deposit.