Newcastle neknominate sees man drain and down deer’s blood

WARNING: not the for the faint hearted. The most sadistic Neknominate to date surfaces – and it’s performed by a Newcastle man

Is this the most disturbing neknominate yet?

In a disgusting neknomination video from Newcastle a man drains a deer of it’s blood – and then drinks it.

A Facebook profile, under the name of 27-year-old Shaun Wilson from Newcastle, posted a neknomination video in which a man stabs a deer in the neck with a knife – before drinking it’s blood.

The cruel video shows the deer hanging in the background

And it’s all part craze that’s been taken too far. Just a few weeks ago Salem Sinawi famously downed a bottle of Disaronno – but now the game of one-upmanship has taken an extreme turn for the worse.

The two minute video shows a deer hanging from a farm building in the background – but in a sick twist the animal is stabbed by the cruel character.

Animal rights activists have branded the video as “sickening and cruel,” with Facebook users commenting on the video with disgust.

Chief executive of  the League Against Cruel Sports stated the video as “not funny or clever, just plain cruel,” and asked the public not to share the video further on facebook.

The video shows the man picking up the insides of the deer and placing them into a cup full of the deer’s blood which he then drinks. Both the twisted man and the camera man can be heard laughing in the video.

The sick man laughs as he completes the challenge

The man spits out the remains of the deer with blood smeared around his face before saying “don’t be a bitch, man the fuck up,” challenging his friends. Pretty sure being a man isn’t slaughtering a deer, just sadistic.

The video has now been removed from facebook after a string of abuse was posted onto Wilson’s facebook account. Wilson is “on holiday” and unavailable to comment. Pretty convenient for the shamed Wilson.

Friends of Wilson were concerned for his health commenting concerns of infections and viral diseases being passed from the deer.

The vile incident

The facebook craze to nominate others to drink has already contributed to the deaths of Isaac Richardson and Stephen Brooks.

So please, if you’re going to be a neknominate twat like the rest, choose lager.