Liverpool holds third Black Lives Matter event

The march started in Upper Parliament Street and ended at St. George’s Hall

Thousands of supporters took to the streets of Liverpool on Thursday to support the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement starting in Upper Parliament Street and finishing at St. George’s Hall.

The march, which was dubbed ‘L8 Black Lives Matter’ and ran by Kerry Nugent, is the third public event to be held in Liverpool in support of the movement.

Organisers, similarly to the previous two protests, reminded protestors to abide by social distancing guidelines and urged supporters to wear masks and gloves.

Protesters wore masks to abide by government guidelines

Imogen De Castro-Gray, a third year law student at the University of Liverpool who partook in all three marches, told The Tab: “Yesterday’s march was like a celebration”

“This one was completely different. It was like a celebration, celebrating the growth, the movement and the black community in general.

“People were dancing and joining in with the drummers to make a stage.”

Imogen said that she felt “very safe” during the march:

“People handed out PPE masks and we had people wearing hi-vis telling people to walk two-by-two.

“I had a mask and still got offered a massive face shield because people were handing them out.”

Imogen added that there was a table set up outside St. Luke’s church for protestors who were dehydrated.

Volunteers did “everything they could” to maintain the distance between the protestors and to ensure marchers were abiding by governmental guidelines.

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