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Lincoln Uni no longer give out unconditional offers if you firm them on UCAS

They were the third highest uni in the country to give out these offers in 2019

You've heard of universities giving out offers with the catch that if you firm then it'll become an unconditional offer, right? You might have even had on from Lincoln yourself.

Well in the last year, current first years were given these types of offers from many universities across the country, proving extremely controversial.

Lincoln took third spot with these offers last year, with just under 60% of their offers being conditional unconditionals according to Times Higher Education.

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With Falmouth and Canterbury Christ Church University taking the top two spots, Lincoln shortly follows after.

This offer guarantees students a place at uni no matter their A Level results, as long as they place the uni as their first choice on UCAS. This trend in offers increased in the last year of uni applicants for 2019/20.

UCAS said that 137,805 of offers that were given to students across the country were conditional unconditional, which was a considerable rise from prior years.

This proved controversial in the past year, as it was seen to demotivate sixth formers in their A Levels as they already had a confirmed place at university.

However, UCAS has said there is to be a major crackdown in these types of offers being given out, and that universities are likely to scrap these offers in the upcoming season of applying to uni. The chief executive of UCAS has said, "we predict a fall in these types of offers."

A University of Lincoln spokesperson told The Lincoln Tab: "The University of Lincoln no longer makes any conditional unconditional offers."