The suspected fire at Lancaster uni gym last night was actually a burst pipe
Three fire engines were seen outside the gym
Last night a pipe burst in Lancaster University Sports Centre, causing the centre to be evacuated, with students huddled wearing shock blankets outside. Video of the burst pipe can be seen on The Lancaster Tab Instagram story.
The cause of the incident was initially suspected to be a fire as three fire engines were dispatched to the gym.
After last night's evacuations took place, it has been revealed that the cause was not a fire, but instead that a pipe burst in the room with the chemicals, pumps and pipes for the pool.
A student told The Lancaster Tab: "It was a burst pipe in the plant room. The room with all the chemicals, pumps and pipes for the pool. Which is why I think the pool took longer to open than the centre. Supposedly only one or two pipes burst but it's a big pool ennit."
Many thought that there was a fire as a receptionist had told a student it was and people were not allowed to return to the changing rooms, however it appears in the video that the smoke was actually steam from the burst pipe.
Last night people were evacuated from the premises and given water and shock blankets and told that is was not a drill.
It is currently unknown if the pool has been opened for use. One student was turned away from the centre at 7am this morning. He told The Lancaster Tab: "They didn't let us in to train at 7am today, but didn't tell us beforehand so people trekked to campus only to be sent away without warning."