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Two people have been arrested outside King’s during the Climate Strike

They were the first arrests made

Two people have been arrested outside Strand campus during the climate change protest across London.

These were the first arrests made at the largest worldwide climate protest in history.

The protest Global Strike 4 Climate Change started today with thousands of Brits participating all across the country.

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Protests were taking place all over the UK

The Metropolitan Police have made a statement that two people has been arrested on the Strand for breaching the conditions imposed on the protestors that the protest must gather in a specific location in Westminster.

A number of the activists seen in London have been carrying Extinction Rebellion flags and banners.

Extinction Rebellion was founded by King’s alumnus Roger Hallam, who this year was accused of causing £70,000 worth of damage to the Strand.

Climate change protests have been taking place all over the country today. State schools urged pupils not to attend school today.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and mayor Sadiq Khan are amongst those praising young demonstrators.

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