Bournemouth Uni know how to throw an incredible Summer Ball and here’s why
11am – 7am straight sesh and officially the best summer ball in the country for a start
If you don’t know already, Bournemouth University are pretty well known for their summer ball. Last year we celebrated the end of the academic year by dressing up like idiots and watching acts such as MNEK, Chip and DJ Fresh.
What they don’t tell you is the sheer scale of the event. It’s like a festival.
Firstly, you arrive at The Old Firestation to catch a bus to the field the ball is in. I say firstly, you’ve most likely been drinking since 10am but that’s perfectly acceptable. This is your first chance to see the costumes that people have decided to wear. Enter the Smurfs, old ladies and a herd of storm troopers.
Then the journey begins, screaming Mr Brightside whilst my friend in the corner pulls???? We’re on a bus??? Anyway.
We arrive at the location. I immediately spot a girl who’s pissed herself. Good start. No picture needed.
Everything you need is there: food, toilets, music and fair ground rides. What more could you want?
There was even a tent for the District people…I went…I explored….I did not enjoy.
Also, you just spot some strange things…
We left around 2am, but we’re still a bit early for the after party so went back to halls to chill. We lost a few men on this journey.
After the after party, which was at the SU, it’s survivors photo time. Every student who is awake and still functioning (sort of) runs to the beach at 5am for one huge group photo.
What I didn’t realise was, what messes my mates are. So we all decided it would be a great idea to jump into the sea straight after?
Be safe kids!! The ocean tried to eat my friend
It was a great experience and I can’t wait for the next one. June 3rd, be there. More info / tickets here.