Jarratt vs Tennis Courts: Which is better?

The biggest battle of the halls

birmingham Birmingham Uni first years Freshers halls Jarratt love selly oak students tennis courts the tab birmingham the tab brum the vale UoB yes

While a couple of weeks ago Victoria Halls destroyed Mason, this time two very different halls battle it out: Selly Oak’s finest Jarratt Hall against the Vale’s coolest place to be Tennis Courts.

As Jarratt Hall isn’t situated in the Vale, it often gets forgotten by many first years, but with prices only about £500 less per year than Mason, on paper it would appear to be one of the fanciest and best halls at the uni. On the other hand, Tennis Courts is significantly cheaper, instead with a reputation of being perhaps the best value place to live for a student on a budget. But which is really better?

We compared the two to see.


Both halls are self catered, meaning the kitchens should be well equipped with all the essentials for cooking. They both provide all the basics so neither will disappoint you, however, Jarratt Hall kitchens have recently been refurbished making them newer and more modern. Jarratt kitchens also have beanbags, just edging them over TC and taking an early lead.

Looks comfy

Jarratt 1-0 Tennis Courts


Jarratt has an en suite, while the large majority of TC blocks have a toilet shared between the whole flat. The en suite proves invaluable if you end up tasting a post-Snobs Rooster’s for the second time, as well as allowing you to shower at any time of day. A clear win for Jarratt.

No room is complete without an ensuite

Jarratt 2-0 Tennis Courts


According to the university website, Jarratt rooms start at £5,680 per year, making it one of the pricier halls to live in. TC though start from £4,661 – a whole £1,019 less per year than Jarratt. Converting this into student currency, that’s 99 70cl bottles of Aldi vodka, more than enough for an entire year of predrinks, or if you live in Chamberlain, that’ll cover roughly a meal out with the flat.

Jarratt 2-1 Tennis Courts


Tennis Courts sits in the middle of the Vale, about a 15 minute walk from campus. Jarratt is on Dale Road, meaning it takes less than 5 to get there – the only closer halls is Victoria, even then only by a whole minute. Jarratt also is right next to Aldi, allowing for quick and cheap food.  The fresher vibe of the Vale is great, but this time the points have to be given for the amazing convenience offered by Jarratt.

Jarratt 3-1 Tennis Courts


Being isolated from most other halls, Jarratt does avoid getting any flack for being an expensive place to live. However, this is a double edged sword as they are often simply ignored and left without much of a reputation at all. Famous for being egged by close neighbours and deadly rivals Mason and throwing dead badgers at each other, TC is the edgy and cool halls to be at. Open YikYak on a weekday at midnight and you will always read complaints about loud flat parties in TC.

TC bants

Jarratt 3-2 Tennis Courts

A close fought battle, showing both halls excelling in very different areas. However, through its superb location and nice flats, Jarratt does edge slightly ahead making it the winner of this round.