The Warwick Tab BNOC of 2022 Nominations are now OPEN

Let’s see who’ll be crowned The Warwick Tab BNOC of 2022

It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for. All you BNOC wannabes are finally given your time to shine – the Warwick Tab BNOC of 2022 Nominations are now OPEN and ready to kick off.

Here’s how it works. Below, there’ll be a form where you can nominate whoever you think should be a part of the Warwick Tab BNOC competition. You can even nominate yourself – no one will ever know.

But what counts as a BNOC? They could just be the average attention-seeker, sure, but it could also be that one guy who throws the wildest house parties in Leamington. Or, it could be that one girl who got incredibly drunk and passed out three times at the Benjamin Satchwell. Maybe they’re the best-dresser on campus.

Either way, you can nominate whoever you want as a Big Name On Campus – entries are all anonymous.

So let’s get started. If you have a Big Name in mind, pop their info below and they might even be crowned The Warwick Tab BNOC of 2022.