Warwick is one of the top 10 cheapest UK universities

The average Warwick student spends £16,850 per annum

According to go.compare.com, the price of a degree varies depending on both the institution and the location.

Their new research entitled ‘Degree of Value’ found that the University of Warwick was among the cheapest 10 institutions in the country.

According to the results, the average Warwick student spends £4,308 on halls or £6,132 on private accommodation each year.

As well as £300 on travel, £1,140 on going out, £168 on books , £1029 on food, £450 on clothes, £216 on a gym membership and £240 on laundry.

Additionally, Warwick is one of the only Russell Group universities not to raise their tuition fees in this academic year, due to SU action.

In total, the average Warwick student spends £1,404 a month on their degree or £16,850 per annum.

Regent’s University London was the most expensive institution, with the average degree setting students back £38,854 annually.

Eight out of ten most expensive institutions are in London, suggesting that location plays a key role in determining how expensive the total price of a degree will be.

Scottish universities Abertay and the University of Stirling were found to be the cheapest places to study, with the average degree costing around £15,000.


Overall, the research suggests that the price of a degree does not necessarily equate to a better qualification.