No uni experience will ever be as good as Trent


Nottingham Trent University is the best. We all know that uni life is about studying, however, there are many things that make Nottingham Trent the best uni. You should all study here cause its great, and here’s why:

Ocean Wednesdays

Trent’s infamous Ocean Wednesday’s are the talk of Nottingham and have proved to be incredibly popular over the years. We party harder and way better than our rivals uni of Nottingham and indeed any other uni in the country.

We have the best freshers week

A party bus to take us to all the clubs where we sing all the way there and so many activities to do during the day. You won’t find a better place to enjoy freshers week. There is a super friendly and relaxed atmosphere at trent uni as well.

Good accommodation

Say what you want about ‘Poverty Peverell’ it is still a great place to live. It’s safe and secure and right on campus. Plus there’s a common room on both courts in Peverell. Oh and the fun rivalry between Peverell and new hall is just brilliant bants too. Your flatmates become your family as well. #Teampeverell

Great campus facilities

The point on Clifton campus is used as a restaurant and bar during the day and a club at night. Same with the loft in the city. There’s also the student shop with reasonably priced items, huge, refurbished and modern lecture halls and a gym.

We’re all pretty employable too

94 per cent of our postgraduates are employed or engaged in further study six months after leaving.

Trent is the best for international students as well

Nottingham Trent was named the best for international students at the Whatuni Student Choice Awards and ranked in the top ten universities overall. Take that uni of Nottingham.

NTU is next to Chunky Chicken and McDonald’s too

Students go to Chunky Chicken again and again after a night out. It’s cheap and tastes good! Just like McDonald’s, plus there is a new branch opposite the Clifton campus as well. Winner.

It’s right by one of the best city shopping centres in the UK

Nottingham is home to thousands of students, and caters to all of them. There are so many shops to spend time in (and money) and the clubs at night time are the best. New ones open all the time: Ink and Przym, so it’s great that uni is close by to them.

Cheap drinks and the best SU

The NTU students union is voted the best again and again every year because it’s awesome. The union allows students to participate in so many great things, like socials for example and get cheap drinks from the bars on campus also.


Everyone is really fun

Only the best people study at Trent. I don’t mean those with the best grades, but those with the best personalities.

We’ve got great chants

Trent Uni has the ultimate chants: T-R-E-N-T WE ARE THE TRENT ARMY!

As well as the good old classic: ‘I would rather be a poly than a…!’