OUTRAGE: Brack Hurt and forgotten

Brack T-shirt balls up

We are only two weeks into the first term of the year and already Brackenhurst is slipping through the cracks.

Students and reps from the forgotten campus were outraged last week when they discovered that there were no Saturday Antics T-shirts ordered for any of their freshers.

The event, held at our Clifton campus, took place on Saturday and hosted a wide range of fun activities for newbies to get involved with.

However, the “Brack Army”, as they like to be referred to, were left with no alternative but to wear last years varsity shirts.

One of this years Brackenhurst reps, said: “This was even more of a piss take and a really awful way to end a great week.”

She added: “We didn’t cause a massive fuss but the freshers were noticeably disappointed.”

To make matters worse the far out campus’ reps and freshers were made to pay entry into the SU’s climax event at the end of the week, despite having the green wristbands that were supposed to get them in for free.

Gill Street South were also left without shirts but, lets’ be honest, this is a one off for them, unlike poor Brack who are time and time again forgotten about.


Sean Mohan, second year Business Management student, was a fresher rep this year for IQ halls and doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about. He told us that in his mind Brack is completely irrelevant. 

He said: “They are literally nonexistent and I’m not fussed about Gill Street South either! I lived at Norton Court in my first year and they were our rivals so, in my mind justice was served.”

According to Sean, Brackenhurst have now come up with their own chant “we are the Brack army” which only further isolates them from the rest of the Trent.

Poor old Brack. At least they have miles of wide open spaces to go on long contemplative walks to forget all about this upsetting affair.