Why guys should NOT wear flip flops

Save them for the beach


Flip flops: The biggest fashion flaw men will make this summer.

Why guys think it is acceptable to pick up their foamy soled friends as soon as the sun is shining is beyond me. Feet are gross at the best of times but when hairy toed size 11’s are on show, things get a whole lot worse.

Whilst you are relaxing in the sunshine the last thing you want to have obscuring your view is some random guys callus ridden flippers.

However, at least those people understand that the sunshine is where flip flops belong because some seriously confused individuals have been known to wear them paired with jeans or joggers, in the middle of winter, when it is either raining or snowing.

If the risk of getting the common cold gets your adrenaline pumping then perhaps you aren’t as much of a ‘crazy ass motherfucker’ as you once thought. Stick to the trainers guys.

Also for some bizarre reason many men have attempted to wear their favorite footwear with socks (I know what the fuck). Socks and sandals were bad enough, but socks and flip flops.

Guys you know who you are, there is no need to name and shame on here but please stop.

The one and only place that these flippin’ things can be partially acceptable is on the way to and from the beach. There really no need for them anywhere else. Whether they have a fancy designer label, like Havaianas, plastered across them or they are simply Primark’s finest, they are all the same and should be approached with caution.

There is an array of other footwear choices out there so, please for the love of god, go out and find them. Put those flip flops down and save them for the beach where they belong.