The Monster Raving Loony Party is supporting Sussex SU presidential candidate Jon Munro

How’s that for an endorsement?

Sussex Students’ Union presidential candidate and third-year music tech student, Jon Munro, revealed on his social media that The Monster Raving Loony Party has come out to support his campaign.

After Jon messaged the page to ask if they would endorse his campaign they agreed and responded: “Cheaper Chips, Cheaper Pints, all ready for our newly to be printed 99p coin” and then went on to share Jon’s social media on theirs. The satire political party now also follows Jon’s social media and has liked several of his posts.

The post was shared with their several thousand followers on Facebook and has already racked up an impressive amount of likes, comments, and shares.

In addition, The Monster Raving Loony Party candidate for Blackheath Westcombe Ward Trevor Allman has shared Jon’s campaign on his Twitter urging students to vote for him.

The Monster Raving Loony Party is a political satire party that aims to poke fun at British politics and offers somewhat of a protest vote to the British electorate.

Jon tells The Tab Sussex: “Honestly I’m still a bit blown away by it all. Any kind of endorsement is obviously great news, but being supported by such a well-known group was completely unexpected.

“The campaign has gained so much support in the last few days alone, I can’t wait to see what happens in the upcoming weeks.”

Jon’s campaign surrounds two issues that he believes are close to every student’s heart, making both pints and chips cheaper for all. Munro, despite the confusion, is officially running for an SU officer position and his whole campaign is aimed to highlight how ridiculous student politics is.

Jon’s campaign is already getting a lot of momentum and recognition as many students have messaged his social media in an attempt to find out more about what he is all about and what they can do to get involved.

You can follow Jon’s Facebook here.