Image may contain: Food, Burger

It’s official: Northfield is getting it’s own bar

Bye bye East Slope, hello Northfield

We are all heartbroken that our beloved East Slope Bar will be closing it's doors for the last time at the end of this academic year, but we have some news that may be of comfort. Northfield Social Centre will be turning into a bar (bar/cafe/restaurant).

A year ago, a survey was released asking what students would like to see happen with the social centre, and the demand for a "bar / cafe / restaurant" was overwhelming.

That's right, the Students' Union has announced that the Social Centre will be developed in order to fill the void left by the absence of East Slope. Furthermore, Falmer Bar and Room 76 will "increase their opening hours to include weekends [and] late nights". Worried about that Falmer Bar 11pm curfew? Fear no more!

Image may contain: Handwriting, Text

Today's email from the Students' Union revealed all

The Students' Union have released a survey where your voice can be heard about what you would like to see in the developed Northfield Cafe/Bar building. You can impact choices on the menu, opening hours and more.

The Students' Union said in an email to students "Now we’re working with the University to get Northfield ready to open for the start of Freshers week in 2018 and we have one last survey about Northfield social space, which will shape not only our menu but our opening hours too. In particular we would like to know how popular breakfasts and early opening for coffees and pastries would be, as well as your feelings on weekend opening. "

Image may contain: Library, Light Fixture, Interior Design, Dining Room, Room, Meeting Room, Indoors, Conference Room, Lighting, Table, Furniture, Dining Table

This room would look a lot better with a bar in it…