Oh lord… The Sussex Festival tickets are selling out quick

You need to jump on this pronto

The Sussex Students’ Union has pulled out all the stops to host one of their biggest welcome festivals to date and it seems to have gone down a treat with students and freshers alike. Tickets are selling at an extortionate rate.

Last year, ticket sales shot through the roof during the welcome weekend with thousands being sold over the course of those two days alone. As Sunday approaches closer and closer, the ticket sales are gaining momentum. 

The ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ festival will begin Sunday at 6 pm with headline acts such as Wilkinson and Danny Howard performing in the main tent. Sussex University’s very own student radio station, URF, have also been given a chance to show off their talents by hosting two of their own stages.

The ‘Hidden Rainforest’ stage, that may or may not be a Red Bull truck with a huge sound system, will be located in the trees right by the main stage that will showcase Sussex student DJs. They will also have a special Red Bull cocktail bar next to it, thanks Red Bull.

The second URF stage will be the ‘Treehouse Stage’. Continuing on the theme of Sussex talent, student and Brighton bands will be performing on this stage right next to Falmer bar. If live music is more your thing, head on down.

The tent has been up for a few days now

Stalls will also be manned by Sussex societies that offer food, face paints, glitter, and a plethora of different party items to make the festival a night to remember.

For those who have already bought a Fresher Golden Ticket, admission to this event will be included. However, for you scrubs who are thinking ‘should I’, you should. Buy your ticket here or miss out.