Brighton and Sussex students rank high for most fashionable and sociable according to new study

It’s because we don’t want to stay in our shitty accommodation

According to the Natwest Student Living Index, Brighton and Sussex students ranked 5th for most time spent socialising and spend the 3rd most on fashion compared to other universities.

Brighton and Sussex students – on average – spend £36.50 each month on fashion, £9.10 more than the national average of £27.40. We were surprised at this result as we expected to place much higher however this may be because buying clothes in the North Laine is just so cheap.

Us  seaside students spend 34.2 hours each month going out and socialising placing us 5th in the university rankings. Reading took the top spot, spending 38.6 hours socialising each month compared to a 27.4 hour national average.

Brighton almost hit the national average for how much we spend on alcohol each month. The national average is £38.61 and Brighton and Sussex students spend £38.81

The NatWest Student Living Index asked 3407 students across 35 UK universities to find out their spending habits and how they deviate their time between studying and socialising.

Cardiff topped the charts as being the most affordable student city. This was calculated by comparing student’s costs and monthly living expenditure compared to their income.

Unsurprisingly, the study found students spend the most on household goods such as food and toiletries. The study also found that students spent more on alcohol than on items for their degree.

You can check out the full study here.