Anti-Trump protest to be held at Brighton Town Hall

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Brighton will hold an anti-trump protest today (30th January) at the Brighton Town Hall at 6pm in retaliation of Donald Trump’s “Muslim ban”.

The protest, organised by two ex-Sussex students and one Brighton University student, have had 24 hours to arrange the protest in Bartholomew Square. Speakers at the event include Labour councillor Emma Daniels, University of Sussex historian Dr Lucy Robinson, and local Muslim Shumaisa Khan offering their sides to the argument.

Speaking to Brighton Uni student Julia, who is one of the organisers, she said:

“We organised it (the protest) to show solidarity. We do not condone Trump’s actions and we need Theresa May to speak up against him rather than just stating ‘she does not agree’. It’s ridiculous to know that Muslims are being detained at the airports in the US and it’s a global issue, not just one of the US”

Protest will be held outside the Brighton Town Hall

Brighton is not the only place organising protests today. National protests across the UK have also sprung up in retaliation of Donald Trump’s recent ban of citizens from 7 Muslim-majority countries entering the US for 90 days.

The executive order by Trump, which is legally binding, has suspended the refugee system in the US which accepted over 12,000 Syrian refugees in 2016.

Protests have been organised across the UK to show solidarity with US protesters who have been campaigning against Donald Trump’s “Muslim ban”.

Theresa May has also been under fire with accusations that she has allied herself with Donald Trump, refusing to speak up against the ban, and has ‘betrayed her own people’.

You can find more information about the event here

Protests will also be held outside Downing Street, organised by Guardian columnist Owen Jones. 

(Featured image courtesy of Fibonacci Blue via Flickr)