Ultimate Frisbee Regionals Come to St Andrews

Fris-bee there.


Frisbees. We’ve all got a Frisbee. We’ve all had a game of Frisbee with our pals. We’ve all given up playing Frisbee soon after realising that most of them would struggle to even catch a cold. We’ve all chucked a Frisbee in the back of the garage, hoping never to see it again.

Some people are different. Made of tougher stuff than most, some people have a determination and a resoluteness to persist in the face of adversity. Some people, after hours of retrieving the wayward throws of an inept cousin or neighbour never ditched that Frisbee. To loosely paraphrase M.K Gandhi: the weak can never Frisbee. Frisbee is the attribute of the strong.

It just so happens that there will be an exhibition of some such people this coming Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th March as the Ultimate Frisbee Scottish Regionals come to St Andrews. 26 teams from various universities and clubs throughout the east of Scotland will descend upon our town for a Frisbee extravaganza that will determine which teams will progress to the nationals.

The action will start around 9 a.m. with the matches taking place on the pitches by the AU, on the 3G and out on the fields by DRA. There’ll be a barbie for spectators and, with some Scotland’s finest Frisbee-ers on show, it should make a great afternoon out.

More details about the event can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/797492066988237/