An Inside Look at Cheer Trials

A fresher blogs about her experience…

Following The Stand’s freshers week feature on the ‘Saints’, here, fresher Amy-Jane Milburn writes about her quest to gain that coveted bow…

“I remember my first thought as I passed by a group of ‘Saints’ during Freshers’ Week: ‘that silver and blue bow belongs in my hair’. It was to be my St Andrews destiny. Knowing however, that I’d have to try-out to earn the privilege of calling one of these iconic bows my own, I set out on my mission and faster than a back spot can count to eight, cheer trials were upon us…

Upon arrival I noticed that among the enthusiastic bunch of first-time cheer freshers (whom I comfortably related to) were many readily experienced Saints. I was trying out for the Level 3 Co-Ed Competition Team and had no past experience of the sport. In the hopes of counterbalancing this, I eagerly attended all the practice sessions in the weeks leading up to trials. Surprisingly, I was able to quickly learn many of the stunts the squad performs and even attempt their jumps as well! Quaking in my scrunchie (the closest hair accessory I owned to THAT bow), I went along to the first practice session where we were taught a dance and a jump routine.

The following week, we were asked to perform these routines (in groups of 4 rather than alone, thankfully). Having practiced them more times in the mirror than I care to remember, I still found myself unusually nervous. To my relief I was able to complete the routines, albeit not without a few mistakes.

In the final trial session we were asked to perform group stunts that we’d previously been taught. My allocated stunt group was composed of three other fresher comrades as well as a very experienced and talented Saint who shared her cheer expertise with us. Despite this, the nerves seemed to be getting the better of us – let’s just say that our first attempts at the stunt routine were not quite up to the standards we’d set…

Given a final chance to prove ourselves, the pressure was building. How could I possibly lift an extension stunt above my head when my hands were shaking so much? Before I could even collect my thoughts –  …5…6…7…8…, a sudden surge of adrenaline, a successful lift, and by the end we successfully performed the routine three times (without too many mistakes). All we had left to do was wait…

Convinced there was no way I’d made the team (yet still desperate to own that coveted bow), I found myself refreshing my email account awaiting the decision…



*Inbox (1)*

“…We would like to congratulate you on making the Coed Level 3 Competition Team…”

That bow is MINE.”

With the trials done, the Club have amassed a squad of 24 Level 3 Competition Squad members. Additionally, the club has recruited five individual stunt groups competing in both Level 2 and 3. This was an increase from the three groups the Club had last year, which ultimately reflects the growing success of the club. This year the club is entering the following competitions: International Cheerleading Coalition (ICC), Scottish Open (February), ACDC Nationals (March), BCA University Nationals (April), and BCA National Championships (April) where they hope to replicate their success from last year.

For more information on The Saints check out our feature on the Club from September:

Alternatively, you can find them on the web:

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