St Andrews ranked 41 of 50 universities in Sexual Health Report Card

Sex ain’t so safe in St Andrews

Recently, Superdrug released a Sexual Health Report Card ranking the sexual health efforts taken by universities in the UK. Lo and behold, St Andrews was ranked 41st out of 50.

St Andrews shares its latest accolade with the University of Southampton, Queen Mary’s University London and the University of Surrey. According to the report, St Andrews and its underperforming peers have “significant room for improvement.”

The top university on the list was the University of Bristol, followed by the University of Nottingham, St. Georges University of London, University of Dundee, and the University of Leeds.

According to the report, Bristol students have access to social media profiles that “deliver a range of accessible information to help its students make informed choices about their own sexual health needs.” Not so in St Andrews.

Bristol is quite pleased with itself. An article on the Bristol Tab was headlined, “Sex safer in Bristol than any other university”.

Other components addressed in the Report Card included availability of STI testing on campus and sexual assault counselling services.

The report read,  “This comprehensive Report Card shows that for students specifically, many of whom will be in the ‘most at risk’  of contracting STIs, access to relevant, up-to-date information can be hit or miss.”

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