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SUSU Spring Elections Results 2019 – live blog!

The suspense is unbearable


The wait is finally over, and the time has come for the results of the SUSU elections 2k19.

Despite the controversy surrounding Henry Hill's disqualification this morning, the Union have decided the show must go on. We'll be live blogging the results as they are announced, so stay tuned (and keep refreshing the page) for the latest news.

19:46 – Anddd it's beginning. We have two presenters from Surge Radio and SUSU TV starting with a little introduction

It kicks off with the student officer positions:

Arts and Humanities Faculty Officer – Joel Jordan

Disabilities Officer -Lily McDermaid

Enterprise Officer – Jiaqi Ling

Environmental and Life Sciences Faculty Officer – Michael Carter

Halls Officer – Rishi-Nayan Varodaria

LGBT+ Officer – Parth Pandya

Student Trustee – Nathaniel Ogunniyi

Student Trustee – Zakaria Al Shmaly

Student Trustee – Ned Williams

UHS Officer- David Hendry

Union Films Cinema Manager – Rhiannon Brunt

Wellbeing Officer – Emily Whelan

Wessex Scene Editor – Charlotte Columbo

Womens Officer – Brodie Brown

BAME Officer – Halima Jibril

Surge Station Manager – Will Hough

WSA welfare officer – Sarah Wilcocks

Intra-Mural Officer – James Franks

Athletic Union Officer – Sophie Bennett

RAG President – Siobhan La Roche-Seeley

The Edge Editor- Jack Nash

SUSUtv Station Manager – Molly Blumsom

Union Films Cinema Manager – Rhiannon Brunt

Engineering and Physical Sciences Faculty Officer – Alicja Bochnacka

PA Officer – Oliver Johnson

International Officer – Dibyayan Ghosh

Sustainability Officer – Miguel Robles Florez

MedSoc President – Abdullah Khaled

Performing Arts Officer – Oliver Johnson

Image may contain: Musical Instrument, Musician, Theater, Skin, Interior Design, Crowd, Indoors, Room, Human, Person, Stage

The winners on stage!

19:56- There's a small break while Steve Gore – stand-in president – is interviewed.

They're talking to the only candidate running for VP sports – Olivia Reed – about her experience of running, and what her plans are for if (when) she is elected.

20:00: Back to the main stage for the Saabs positions

VP Sport – a quick explanation of what it involves. Supporting the running of the Athletics Union and overseeing all sports clubs, leading the annual Varsity and other events throughout the year, whilst working to improve the sport across campus.

And the winner is… Olivia Reed!

She's welcomed on stage, and talks about her plans of getting the ball rolling over the next few months and getting a head start before the new year. She thanks her campaign team for their support. She's going to celebrate by going to the Bridge, and running a training session – exciting!

Image may contain: Classroom, School, Cinema, Audience, Crowd, Stage, Theater, Room, Human, Person, Interior Design, Indoors

Olivia thanked everyone for their support

20:04 – Now for VP Activities…

In charge of the other societies (everything but sports), they need to be accessible, advocating and ensure everything is fair and equally allocated.

The winner is… Fiona Sunderland!

She makes it onto the stage and is complemented on her colourful bow-tie. She describes how her priority is funding. She's going to celebrate playing Nintendo with the String Orchestra!

20:08 – They're interviewing some of the other candidates, Laura Barr criticising the campaign process slightly, commenting on the "bitchiness" among the candidates.

20:10 – VP Education and Democracy is up next

And the winner is…

Joanne Lisney!

Unfortunately she's not here so we move on to…

20:11- VP Welfare and Community

They're responsible for student wellbeing.

The winner is Laura "Elizabeth" Barr!

She says she's "feeling good" and she's going to "change the world in Southampton!"

She also said "Well done to anyone who ran… and to anyone that hated, fuck you!"

Image may contain: Cinema, Hall, Auditorium, Electronics, Screen, Crowd, Audience, Theater, Stage, Room, Person, Human, Interior Design, Indoors

Laura gives her thanks (and swears)

20:16- Steve Gore's being interviewed again, manages to swear (again!) on the live stream and throws some shade at the hecklers yelling "Justice for Hen".

20:17- The presenters have to remind everyone we're live on Surge Radio and SUSUtv, so no swearing!

20:18- Union President is up next!

There's a brief explanation of the role of representing students across campus, and interacting with the faculty.

They list the running candidates, mentioning that Henry Hill has been disqualified, which is met with contempt from some of the audience, as they cheer and boo.

They don't seem to be happy…

But moving on, they announce the winner of the Union President Role:

Emily Harrison!

Image may contain: Stage, Cinema, Theater, Human, Person, Room, Indoors, Interior Design

Our new Union President!

20:20- Emily talks about how important the Union has been to her time at Uni and how she hopes she can make the same happen for others.

She also thanks her friends for their support.

She's being heckled by the Henry Hill supporters, but manages to hold her own and continue to thank those who have supported her.

20:32- They're bringing all the Saab team onto stage for a final photo to end the night.

Image may contain: Confetti, Paper, Person, Human, Stage

The 2019/20 Saab Team

That signals the end of the event – thanks for staying with us! Whether this also marks the end of all the controversy, we'll have to wait and see…