Toast at Medicine is the new, amazing way to spend your Monday nights

You just can’t say no to £1.50 drinks

I’ve written before about the precursor to Toast, Monopoly Monday, and how it was kind of tragic but amazing. So, I was a bit heartbroken when Medicine announced they weren’t going to be putting on the legendary Monopoly night anymore (I still hadn’t won the £200, cry).

But then they revealed Toast: a concept so genius it, of course, has had us flooding through the doors both Mondays we’ve been back. £1.50 for all drinks and free entry is enough to get anyone to stay out and miss their 9am.


I was there this week and I haven’t seen Medicine so busy since the Cheeky Girls performed in Freshers week. The dancefloor was packed, the tunes were on point (the DJ has stepped up his game from the Monopoly days), and the smell of beans on toast wasn’t even gross.

Oh yeah, that’s why it’s called Toast – because, for £1.50, you can get four slices of toast with the topping of your choice. And I’m not talking about some basic Hartley’s strawberry jam shit here, I’m talking mac and cheese, beans, sausages, the whole shebang.

Lovin dat £1.50 drink

So yeah, that’s right, I would go as far to say that Medicine has managed to rival Monkeys Mondays. Why would you queue up for ages just to freeze your tits off outside (you can never get a seat inside at Monkeys) and queue for ages for an overpriced drink? Medicine has a bigger dancefloor, space to sit down and for once it actually has a better DJ (marginally). Plus, the drinks are £1.50 for God’s sake.

So get a vodka coke down you and start reaching for the goddamn stars like the die-hard year six S Club fan you are.