Your Top Trebles Bar: The Results

Sinners picks up the trophy by a country mile.

bar 38 bijoux label label newcastle sinners top trebles bar trebles trebles bar trebles newcastle victoria 22

The long awaited results are finally here to decide who takes the crown as Tab readers’ favourite trebles bar.


Sinners really are winners

With a stunning 40% of votes, Sinners is your favourite place to get messed up in this lovely city.

A surprising 13% of votes goes to 2nd place, Bar 38 with Victoria 22 close behind with 10%.

The most surprising of all the results is Label’s poor show with only 9 people voting in favour, which we suspect is half of the staff. Maybe they aren’t cut out for the fierce competition?

Despite the results, The Mushroom is on the rise with a word of mouth-promoted night on Thursdays. Could it rival your favourite Thursday night?

Poor old Players pick up the wooden spoon, will it be long before it is wiped off the map by the superpowers of cheap drinks?

Judging by the sheer quantity of promotional comments under the original article, the results could have easily been influenced by patrons asking friends to vote for their bar (the major culprit being the winners), in which case thank you for holding The Tab in such high regard!

It was just a bit of fun you know.