Sydney Jones to undergo major refurb over summer

The Grove Wing of the Sydney Jones library will finally get some more computers…

One half of the SJ is set for major redevelopment, including a much needed extension of the library’s computer facilities.

Starting Monday 2 June, the Grove Wing will be shut to students for the duration of the summer.

The refurbishment will include creating more study space and computer facilities, improved toilets and a refurbishment of the carpets and staircases.

Books will be accessible via a book delivery service once the wing is closed, although students are advised to borrow all material they will need over summer before work starts. Loan restrictions will be lifted over this period.

Mobile shelving will hold the university’s journal collection and books that have not been borrowed for five years or more, but will be moved off-site as soon as the work starts.

Lisa Hawksworth, Faculty librarian for Humanities and Social Sciences, said: “The project will enhance both the staff and student experience of the library. Demand for additional study space in the Sydney Jones is increasing and the development is in response to student comments in surveys, departmental staff-student committees and general feedback.

“In addition, the development will enable us to bring the printed journal collection of the SJL into one place, responding to comments from academic staff.

“Alongside the extra study space, material located in the Grove Wing will be re-spaced to facilitate easier browsing and selection of material and to help ensure tidier shelves.”
The Abercromby Wing and Law library will remain open over summer until the extended time of 11pm during both the week and at weekends.
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