Top 10 tips for freshers in Lincoln from a seasoned second year

How to make the most of your first year because it doesn’t really count anyway

You might think you know what you’re doing when it comes to being a fresher at uni, but it’s likely you won’t.

It’s canon, everyone makes the same mistakes and although these tips might be common sense, we’ve all been there and ignored or forgotten them. After all, we were all silly little freshers once.

So, here are some tips from someone who’s been there, done that, and got the t-shirt, so to speak.

1. Stock up on bleach

It might be something you forget because it’s always at hand at home but you are going to need this, trust us. Maybe even more than one bottle. If it’s not erasing last night’s post-bull kebab, it will help in your fight the silverfish. Those pests get everywhere. It really is the ultimate multi-purpose item.

2. You can’t predict the train line

Who decides to build a uni with a train track running through it? That’s Lincoln for you.

Give yourself an extra five minutes because you can guarantee the one day you’re running late, the lights will start flashing, and we all know we aren’t using the bridge.

3. Leave your door open

This is the best way to get to know your flatmates. It will feel awkward at first, strangers dodging each other around the flat, but that’ll soon fizzle out. There’s nothing worse than avoiding the kitchen because you hear someone else in there.

Get to know them, or at least say hi.

4. Bring plenty of photos

Print off all your favourite memories and stick them somewhere you look every day. Sometimes you need a bit of home and what’s better than waking up to a photo of your dog by your bed every day?

White Tack and Command Strips will be your best friend so make your room yours, you’ve got a whole year to live in it.

Jazz up those cinder-block walls in Courts, you’ll feel better.

5. Find your go-to meal

You need a dinner you could eat every day because chances are you will actually need to eat something. Pasta is a go-to for many students and cheap too if you plan on spending all of your loan on going out to Quack or Superbull.

I’d personally recommend with pesto or a nice spicy sauce from a jar.

6. Be kind to the birds

Our campus is full of wildlife. Perhaps you can become one of the bird feeders who lets them all sit on you? Perhaps you’ll fill your Instagram feeds with the cygnets in the spring? Either way, be their friend and they probably won’t poo on you.

7. Take the stairs (if you can)

You will be waiting for the lifts forever. (If they’re not broken that is – we are looking at you ATB). Don’t be lazy, remember to let those physically unable to use the stairs have priority in the lifts. Go get your steps in, if you’re able to as you might even find them quicker than the lifts anyway.

8. Water is great too

Don’t forget about the basic human necessities. There is nothing worse than waking up hungover with a 9am to go to. Get yourself a big water tumbler and flush it out of you.

You can’t survive the whole year on two for five quid VKs, take it from me.

9. Just say hi

Friends don’t have to be hard to find. Just say hello.

From your flatmates, to those in the flat opposite you. Join the group chats, join people for coffee during the lecture breaks. Have fun and don’t just make one friend in first year and ignore everyone else, chances are you’re missing out on finding your true friends until it’s too late and you’re nearly graduating.

10. Enjoy it

You don’t get to be a fresher again. Except, you can do it all over again in second year and third if you really want to. It’s cliché but it will go quick, one minute you’re doing icebreakers the next minute you’re picking out your graduation outfit. Enjoy it.

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