Step 1: Make it into Lincoln, Step 2: Join The Tab

So you’ve made it to uni, here’s what you need to do next.

Congratulations you’ve made it into the university of your dreams, and are now looking forward to the wildest week of your life!


You’ve completely fucked up your exams and Lincoln is now the best you could do.

But no fear, The Tab is here!

So before chugging celebratory shots or drowning your sorrows with £1 Vodka Redbulls at Superbull, join The Tab and we’ll make your time at uni so much better.

The Tab is read by two million people a month, and this is because we bring students news they really care about.

We have broken huge stories last year at Lincoln, like SU cock-up over ‘Dick of the Year’ award, stripping lecturers and Worldwide engagement ring appeal.

So if you want to write about national politics, The Tab isn’t for you.

But if you want to write about news that students will actually care about, then sign up.

To be part of the legendary student publication, receive invitations to our epic socials and a bag yourself a Tab tee, contact this year’s editor Maxine.

If you can’t be arsed to write for us but have heard some juicy gossip round campus, drop us an email at [email protected].

If your story is worth it, the hot shots over at Tab HQ might be willing to pay anything from £5- £500 for it.

So like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to receive all the worthwhile student news this year.

May freshers be the fun-filled drunken blur you’ve always wanted it to be!

Congrats again, and good luck!