Campus toilets: In search of Pootopia

An informative guide


Students at Leicester university are spoilt for choice when it comes to toilets and each has their own benefit but which one should you choose?

With the sheer variety of toilets on campus it can often be a difficult decision when choosing the location to relive yourself. Yes, I walked around campus and took pictures of toilets…and yes, someone caught me and it was very very awkward even after explaining what I was doing.

My research took me to remote parts of campus, including an unknown underground in the Bennett building and the depths of George Porter and in the process became the Indiana Jones of the lavatory world.

It was a journey of discovery and enlightenment…

George Porter Building ★★★

This was exciting. Once inside the actual restrooms,it’s gloomy  and there are a few rather intimidating red bins that look like you put used needles in. However, it is also a rather spacious restroom with plenty of sinks, cubicles and urinals. All you’d ever need.

George Pooter…an average bog

I recommend this toilet if you’re feeling particularly adventurous and want somewhere a bit different.

Attenborough Tower ★★★★

The Attenborough Tower toilets are a pretty cool place, as far as toilets go. They’re spacious, feature a decent ratio of cubicles to urinals and even include a shower.

Look at that walk-in bidet

Alas, like the majority of toilets across campus, the toilet paper is of poor quality so don’t be expecting any luxury here. It’s a bit like having your arse wiped with sanding disk. Abrasive.

There are plenty of mirrors and sinks and it is overall a clean place for one to go to if duty calls.

Bennett Building ★★★

This toilet is on the outskirts of main campus so only go if you’re in the vicinity! Again (surprisingly) the room is rather gloomy looking but very spacious with many a toilet. It’s one of the biggest sites on campus.

If it’s an especially dirty one, there’s a convenient shower in the next room so you can wash the filth away.

However apart from size, this toilet is not that memorable and is a rather long walk away for many students so it’s probably not worth it.

Charles Wilson ★★

Charles Wilson, a building campus renown. The place to get food, use the sports hall, attend meetings and of course, use the toilet. Unfortunately the toilets are quite dated though it does feature some natural lighting, giving it more of a deserted horror film vibe rather than a nice sunny place to poo.

You might as well do as the proverbial bears do…

There is nothing particularly enticing about the restrooms and you even have to go up a floor to access them. At the end of the day, unless you happen to be in the building, I’d actually recommend avoiding them.

David Wilson Library ★★★★

Many people have cited the library toilets as the best toilets at university, and with good reason. In previous years these toilets have had a Facebook page dedicated to their majesty and comments such as “If these toilets were a bird, they would be an eagle as they soar above the rest”.

Expectations were high.

As well as the standard urinal and cubical set-up, the library has a grand selection of powerful hand dryers and some rather gnarly looking sinks, although half of the taps don’t work.


The toilets are remarkably clean for ones that get used so regularly and there are a lot of them, one on each floor, so you shall never have to wait if you are in a hurry.

Percy Gee (Ground Floor) ★★★★

The Percy Gee toilets are toilets are on the same pedestal as the library toilets.

Percy Pee – urinating in a modern environment

They’re clean (mostly) and have some of the meanest hand dryers around. The main benefit of these facilities is the accessibility but the main drawback is the actual lack of toilets, just two urinals and two toilets. So on a busy day you’re right up shit street.

hand dryers like nimbus poo-thousands

At the end of the day, a toilet is a toilet and if you gotta go then you gotta go.