Lancashire Police issue warning over ‘money muling’ to university students

There are around 1,300 fraud victims under 30 in Lancashire every year

Police have issued a warning to Lancashire-based college and university students over “money muling.”

Concerns have been raised over criminals targeting students through social media offering “quick and easy cash,” according to Economic Crime Inspector Liberty Wadsworth.

A campaign has begun to educate young people on the signs and impacts of money muling.

Money muling is when a person transfers money on behalf of other people through different bank accounts.

This money is typically stolen and has been used to fund various crimes, including drug dealing, sexual exploitation, human trafficking and terrorism.

Liberty Wadsworth has warned young people that money muling can “leave you with a criminal record, your bank account being shut down, a bad credit score, and being affiliated with criminal gangs.

“Our message is to think twice,” she added, “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.”

Those involved in money muling can face up to 14 years in prison for their actions, and may be barred from entering several countries including America. It can also prevent you from taking out a phone contract or a car loan.

The police’s campaign, named “Don’t Be A Fool, Don’t Money Mule” is being shared on social media.

A competition was recently run to create a mascot for this campaign. A 16-year-old art student room Blackpool and Fylde college won, and her design has been made into a statue.

Her statue features a horse in chains and a muzzle, and is being transported around university freshers events to advertise the police’s message.

Police are directing those who feel they may be involved in money muling, or who know someone who is, to Action Fraud, a national fraud and cyber crime reporting centre.

They can be contacted on 0300 123 2040.

For further help, Samaritans can also be contacted by phoning 116 123.

Featured image via Lancaster Police and Crime Commissioner on Facebook

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