Lancaster UCU to take part in third round of strikes this academic year

The strikes will be taking place over five days at the end of March

The Universities and College Union have announced that they will be taking part in an additional five days of strike action.

These strikes split 68 universities into two groups of strikes over ten days, with the first set from March 21st to 25th and the second from March 28th to April 1st.

A press release from the UCU confirms that Lancaster University will participate in the second group of this round of strikes.

However, these dates will be outside of the Lent Term dates, and the strike will occur during the first week of the Easter Holidays.

Lancaster has previously taken part in two rounds of strikes this academic year, the first being early December and the second round beginning mid-February and spanning into early March.

However, despite efforts from the striking university staff, last month, UniversitiesUK confirmed that they would be rejecting UCU proposals.

This was met by outrage from many university staff, who announced that they would be taking further action and may even be completing Action Short of Strike.

Lancaster will be fighting against both the USS and over their “pay & working conditions” during this round of strikes.

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