This is when all the building work on campus is actually going to be completed
The situation with campus projects
With projects overrunning their initial targeted completion dates and new ones already popping up, the question remains whether all the disruption is worth it – and can we expect an end anytime soon?
The seemingly endless renovation works on Edward Roberts Court and overran Health Innovation campus project are nothing new at this stage, scaffolding and red tape is commonplace and their disruption has become status quo. With a new lecture theatre to begin construction this month and further extensions planned to take place in the library disruptions may only get worse.
The obvious disruption that sticks out is the renovation that is taking place on Edward Roberts court. With the walkway completely blocked off and lower levels being only accessible via a significant detour, the renovations don't really seem worth it.
The project itself was originally due to be completed on the 22nd of November 2019, but judging by the current rate of the University remaining loyal to completion dates, I wouldn't hold your breath.
In a statement about the project Paul Morris, Director of Capital Development and Estate Operations at Lancaster University, said: "The works at Edward Roberts Court are progressing well and is due to be completed in December 2019.
"This is a slight delay on the originally programmed late November completion date due to a small number of hidden structural details which have needed to be addressed as the project developed. All the commercial outlets in the Court remain open as normal."
A much larger project that has an impact on the City of Lancaster itself is the new 'Health innovation campus' which was originally meant to be complete for December 2019, this project has clearly overran, though not significant yet, the barely completed entrance and traffic adjustments would suggest the project still has quite a bit to go.
Whilst this construction has varying effect on students already on campus, those commuting in everyday became familiar with the dreaded sight of a closed-off lane and a set of traffic lights dictating the flow of traffic; thankfully both lanes are now open.
With regards to the overrunning of the project, and a new completion date a representative from the university stated: "The Health Innovation Campus Phase One building is scheduled for completion in April 2020 with staff moving in prior to opening on 20 April 2020.
Morris has stated: "The previously scheduled completion date was December 2019, as has been the case for the past two years. This three year project has been delayed slightly due to unforeseen difficulties in moving the utility services to form the new junction off the A6."
Others which may not have as much of an impact on campus-life but still represents the enormous current undertakings of the university are the new LUMS building which is set for an ambiguous "2020" completion date. Also under works is the six million pound extension on the sports centre, its newly assembled steel frame is set to be fully complete by "Spring 2020"
With all of these current projects it's assumed the university is dealing with enough right now. However, a new "£4.7 million 400-seat lecture theatre" is set to begin construction this month. On top of this, the library is due to have an "£11 million 4-storey extension" which will also begin construction this month.
The cycle seems endless, when one project ends the university undertakes another – it begins to beg the question of whether the University has 'bitten off more than it could chew'?
When asked whether the new construction will cause disturbance to students on campus Morris said: "The new 400-seat Lecture Theatre is due for completion in September 2020 and will be ready on time for the start of teaching in the next academic year.
"There will be a need for some local diversions to avoid the construction site and these routes will be clearly marked and accessible to all."
It seems as though construction will be something us students will just have to get used to, find peace in the endless droning of power tools- if you can.