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Glasgow Uni’s Vice-Chancellor joined the university strike picket line

Anton Muscatelli showed his face in support of the UCU strikes

To show his support for the striking staff, University of Glasgow Principal Anton Muscatelli joined the picket line today.

As the UCU strikes continue, staff are joining picket lines to protest against the proposed pension cuts which could see them £10,000 a year worse-off in retirement.

Strikers were pleased to see Muscatelli support the strike, and people on Twitter have called for other University Vice-Chancellors to do the same.

In a joint statement from Muscatelli and the University, he claims the university "recognise the importance of pension security and are committed to maintaining the best possible pension provision for all our staff."

His appearance is a great gesture, not only as fantastic support for the university's staff but also as the Chair of the Russell Group and a USS board member. Is this a sign an agreement could be on the horizon, bringing an end to the strikes?