BNOC of the Year nominees: Round Two

Let’s get ready for the second bunch of BNOCS


It’s heat two and it’s set to be huge.

From Rugby lads to lacrosse girls, today’s heat has BNOC’s a plenty.

Get voting!

Eden Wood

Eden Wood: the happiest, most smiley person you will ever come across. And to be fair, there are few who haven’t been dazzled this blonde bombshell’s smile from across the Viper/Hive dance floor.

A Classics enthusiast, ever ready with an inspirational Latin quote or 5, she manages to fit in being Alexandrian Society VP, a key member of the Lacrosse 2s, and a GUSSC ski tripper, all while keeping the shelves of your favourite Byres Road supermarket stocked with all those “essential” products.

Regularly bypassing the 100 likes mark with her profile photos, this lady had a lot to live up to with her dissertation hand in snap; one candid leap in the air under the cloisters and 300+ likes were hers for the taking.

Doug Jack

Doug Jack is the “I’m not going out tonight” of BNOCs. Always saying he won’t beat the party, but somehow always inevitably there. Always saying he’ll be in his office but somehow always in the Billiards. A debates man who wishes he was libraries, the board member who gets more trophies for the cabinet, unfortunately English but we’ll forgive him for now.

Doug Jack for BNOC!

Rona Sinclair

Rona has become a famous face in Viper. [Viper now directly tags her in event photos!] Her greatest achievement is that she has never missed a single MNH.

She is well known by all staff…  well, security… And is becoming a famous face amongst Glasgow sport societies, especially Rugby and Boat club.

When not at viper, Rona can be found every Wednesday and Saturday in Hive, or in Barbecue Kings after.

Juju Harrii

Who else could you be looking for other than Juju Harrii.

GUMHC club captain and all round sports lover, this dabber can be found chinning pints left, right and centre in the beer bar or fulfilling his umpiring duties on the hockey pitch.

He is a strong contender for BNOC of the year, due to his commitment to pink and yellow clothing and his sweaty appearances in the Viper club pictures. Clearly throwing too many sick shapes, bloody legend.