Students confirm Glasgow as friendliest city worldwide

If you don’t agree we’ll shank you

Rough Guides voted Glasgow the friendliest place in the world this week.

It beat off competition from the likes of Dublin, Montreal and Tokyo.

And students around campus have been telling us their stories that makes Glasgow so chummy. Fresher Danny said: “I feel like Glasgow has a sort of small town feel to it.

“It’s not like in somewhere like London where people generally spend their lives trying to avoid you – people here are always willing to chat and in places like bars people always tend to be really friendly with a good sense of humour.”

Happy even when headlocked.

Despite Glasgow’s stereotypical reputation as “a bit rough”, everyone said living here changes your opinion.

Fourth year students Ellen and Ruth said: “We were apprehensive moving here but the people are genuinely so easy to talk to.

“Being from Edinburgh there’s a huge difference between there and Glasgow because you can approach people in Glasgow.

“They’re more down to earth, even if it’s something like asking for directions – people always want to help.”

Ellen and Ruth seem pretty chuffed to be here.

Ellen said: “One night I was locked out of my flat, the key wouldn’t work and I was banging on the door to get in.

“My neighbours came out and asked me if I was okay – obviously they just thought I was just being a drunken tit but they tried the key and it genuinely didn’t work, so they let me stay on their sofa for the night.

“It was three in the morning and they had work the next day at nine but they still helped me. I don’t know if you’d get that anywhere else.

Taxi drivers are all good fun around here as well. They’re always up for starting a random conversation and telling you about the various drunken messes that have stumbled their way in.”

An example of happy, drunken tits.

And Glasgow isn’t short of interesting characters. Ruth said: “My friends and I were walking along the street not exactly sober after a night out once.

“There was this man walking towards us just carrying a pot plant. We stopped him and we said “Dude what’s up with the pot plant” but he just looked at it, then at us and said: “I have no idea. Some guy just gave it to me but I feel I need to hand it on to you now. Take good care of it. Give it plenty of water. Don’t let it die.”

“I still have that pot plant.”

Louise – curator of drunk Pikachus.

Danny said: “I went out one night and gave a homeless man some money so he did a card trick for me.

“I mean the guy was blatantly pissed but it was a pretty fucking good card trick anyway.”

Second year Louise said: “In halls on Halloween I’d got back from the club and Pikachu was just sitting in the hallway.

“I tried to communicate with him but he wasn’t reacting. Was he on drugs? Was he unable to speak English? Was he just in a strop? I don’t know.

“But I sort of picked him up and led him to the front door. As I opened the door he turned to me, whispered “thank you” and ran off freely into the night. Maybe he was just trapped.”

Long may Glasgow reign.