Image may contain: Building, Forest Fire, Flare, Light, Flame, Bonfire, Fire

There’s a huge wildfire blazing on Arthur’s Seat

Edi can’t handle this February heat

Every yah in Pollock might be wondering why their lava lamp is casting such a strong orange glow across their mandala wall hanging this evening – but take a look out the window, and they'll realise that, wait, it's because that big extinct volcano on their doorstep is actually ABLAZE.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue services were called to Arthur's Seat at 6:30pm this evening after the suspected gorse fire broke out, and they're still on the scene controlling the flames hours later.

It is not yet known what sparked the fire – maybe it's news from the gods that 14 degrees is just too much for the Scots.

A spokesperson for the fire service confirmed that firefighters are still on the scene trying to put out the blaze using water helicopters. Nobody has been harmed in the fire and the services are reported to be keeping the situation under control.