RAG LOST 2015: Live blog

Keep up to date with all the action as your fellow students are stranded far and wide across the country. Will all of them make it back by the 24-hour deadline?

| UPDATED Cambridge challenge charity Live lost RAG Students

RAG LOST is back.

In the wee hours of this morning 70 Cantabs were whisked from their beds in the cushy halls of Cambridge to the exotic land of “Falmer” (apparently it’s near Brighton). With no money, little common sense and only 24 hours to get home, will they all make it?

Stick with us and find out.

11.15: RAG have raised more than £7,000 so far! If you haven’t donated yet, do.

10.39: Keep dem donations rolling in at http://fundraise.cambridgerag.org.uk/event/lost2015


3rd Place: Team 31 as Batman and Robin – the constant stream of hilarious footage just didn’t quite seem to be enough to win over the Cambridge crowd

Don’t do drugs

2nd Place: Team 14 as Ana and Elsa from Frozen. Clearly the Tab readership just doesn’t quite include enough 3 year olds to get them into first place.

1st Place: Team 35 as Ash and Pikachu. Cambridge is not anything if not nostalgic.

10.14: The Tab is pleased to report the final team made it back to RAG HQ at 1am and are not, as we assumed, dead. Everyone is happy and actually completely alive.

22.53 Necessary amounts of tea… still waiting on six teams to come home.

22.21 We have been worryingly informed that Team 16 are genuinely lost – you weren’t supposed to take it so literally guys…anyone passing through Clophill, give some (where’s) wallies a lift!

21.47 Team 6 aka ‘The Tiger Came to Tea’ brought the LOST Team cakes! Coincidentally, they have also gained lots of points and are well in the running for the main prizes.

21.37 Chris Turnbull of Team 32 also went all out and got his ear pierced. That really is dedication to the cause.

21.34 Team 32 did SO WELL IN RAISING LOTS OF $$$$ that we gave them back their deposit. All teams should follow their example. Please. Oxford Rag is beating us 🙁

21.26 Keir has relinquished his control of the live stream to the LOST Team and now we’re going to post hilarious and witty real-time remarks. Now the party starts.

21.21 Team 32 went the furthest with police car challange

21.16 WE ARE £100 AWAY FROM £7000 PLEASE DONATE http://fundraise.cambridgerag.org.uk/event/lost2015/top_ten

21.12 With the deadline fast approaching and teams racing back to Cambridge, Team 22 seem determined to cut it fine and stay in London overnight, some less than impressed looks here in HQ

21.05 Team 4 make it back home alive after being asked to be rolled several times

Please don’t hurt us

21.00 12 hours left. We are waiting now for only 9 more teams! Teams 2, 5, 6, 9, 16, 18, 22, 28, 33


20.55 Team 35 are regaling us with stories of their day, the creepiest tash amongst them

20.50 Dominos are going to be doing a roaring trade amongst the pink clad folk, it’s become this night’s buzz word

20.41 Debris is being to build up here, will we survive the night or will the mass of popcorn and and Sainsbury’s bakery items


20.37 One of the lost team (34 to be precises) have reliable informed us that they have managed to locate themselves and it didn’t even take a year’s trip to south asia…

20.31 Rag HQ is beginning to get crowded with four teams back, the full Rag team and one inconspicuous tab journalist

Shits getting crazy

20.22 Team 37’s costume isn’t quite as glorious as it was this morning, the rain and a bus took care of that

Still my knight in shining armour

20.13 Team 10’s helpful advice is signs and nagging, the perfect mixture to getting strangers to like you

20.09 Lying on the ground is no place for a queen Elsa

Impressive that the ground hasn’t frozen

20.05 Remember that we are running a competition to find the best costume from this year, read the article and vote here:

voting will close in the next hour so get on it fast

They’re battling out for your votes, and childhood heros

19.58 Team 10 have arrived back and been reunited with their hitchhiking buddies, a homeless man even made them all a sign, what a nice bloke

This isn’t it but it’s still a fair effort


19.52 Talking to team 36 they main tips for hitchhiking “Don’t care what direction you go so long as you’re getting just a little bit closer,” Oh and don’t be scared of people called Stuart who don’t mind taking a detour from the M25 to Cambridge even though they live in north london.

19.45 Who has finally managed to repress the haunting images of the harlem shake, well Team 11 are bringing it back with a vengeance


19.38 It’s Keir back with you again, am surrounded by lots of exhausted people and trying not to feel too smug about my nap this afternoon, Jess, Steph and Roz have reliably informed me that they have been awake for 15 hours 17 minutes and 34 seconds

19.27: The sea.

It’s funny because he’s dressed up as a pirate.

19.24: Hitch-hiking team have just arrived at HQ.

Team hitchhiked all the way to Cambridge, without being abducted or killed. Impressive.

They also refused to do the feeding-the-ducks challenge on the grounds of conscientious objection – they didn’t want to kill the ducks. Surely that deserves points.

19.23: Raggies finding each other on the 18.44 train to Cambridge.

They’re probably meant to be having fun.

19.07: I hate to be a bitch but the seashells returned so far for one of the challenges are a bit shit.

The best mother nature has to offer?

19.05: Taking the conga challenge to new extremes.


18.58: Team 7 in a BIZARRE twist of fate met a family of elves at the station.

They have arrived in HQ and say they now plan to do lab reports. Fun stuff.


18.35: BREAKING. THREE teams have JUST arrived at HQ and RAG clearly overloaded trying to check all their challenges. Bureaucratic nightmare ensues.

18.34: EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE released.


18.28: Team 31 bursts into RAG HQ at just the right time. Dramatic entrance caught on camera. Uploading soon.

18.27: Message from Team 34 to HQ: “WE HATE YOU, PLS GET IN TOUCH WITH US”.

Team 34 is thus far the only team not to have got in touch with us at all.

18.19: “FEED THE DUCKS ELSA”. Team 14 tackles Challenge 12.


18.06: MORE VIDEOS FROM BATMAN AND ROBIN. These guys are on fire.

Part A: Batman and Robin respect Occupational Health and Safety.


Part B: Batman and Robin make a very tenuous attempt to do the gambling challenge.


18.01: Impressed by Batman and Robin’s exploits? Donate here:

“POW!! kerBLAM!!! Batman and Robin have been abducted by their arch nemesis Penguin and dropped somewhere in the British countryside. Holy Moly! We need YOUR help, upstanding citizen, to sponsor us to get back by hook or by crook to Cambridge and continue making it a better, safer city! (pow.)”

17.59: Dying hair on the train.

Nothing wrong with a bit of personal styling on public transport.

17.55: Team 31: “What are you doing, Robin, we’re supposed to be the good people?”


17.51: Team 31 have taken the opportunity to turn their RAG LOST trip into an anti-cigarette crusade. DON’T SMOKE. It’s bad for you. It only made you look cool before Batman and Robin got involved.


17.35: A SLEW of photos from Team 16. I have no idea what the context for these is.

You can see that great background whether cropping up again and again.

17.24: We have a MEME from the recently arrived Team 8, Cecily and Jay.

Their fun anecdote is when they were brutally rejected by their coach driver.

Cecily and Jay: Can we hug you?

Coach driver: No. I have a queue.

Cecily and Jay: Okay.

Not sure whether actually happy or trying to look happy.

17.22: If you haven’t already voted in our costume competition, head here.

17.20: £6665 raised! Great work by today’s participants. Also, ominous appearance of the Number of the Beast but we’ll pass over that. You can increase that by donating here.


HQ tells me Team 45 (Louis Slater and Michael McLeish), Team 17 (William Neville-Towle and Peter Curry) and Team 1 (Joonas Kaida and Yanhong Zhao) have not been in contact ALL day. Not answering their phone. Alien abductions? Giving up? Did they accidentally confuse RAG LOST with Jailbreak and are somewhere in Mexico right now?

17.07: Team 8 – the sixth team to get back – has arrived in HQ. They visited three airports along the way but didn’t actually fly here. Yeah, I’m confused too. They’re still earlier to arrive than any of the teams last year.

16.37: Aaaand we have a third arrival back at RAG HQ

16.07: Meanwhile Team 16 are on a challenge completing streak

Engaging in a cheeky core workout

Making new friends

We see you rolling

16.03: Closely followed by Team 23!

16.02: Team 29 were the first to back it back to the bridge. Bonus points for also being the team with the greatest height difference. Disclaimer: these are unofficial and arbitrary bonus points that are not based on actual measurement.

16.01: Teams are already back in Cambridge, with more on the way!

15.37: “We are having a fab day at the beach”. That face suggests otherwise.

15.15: Things are moving slowly at the beach for this team. Don’t expect them back in Cambridge any time soon…

15.04: Team 10 are getting a lift from a man who draws weird militaristic cartoons. Look at the terror in her eyes.

14.44: Team 31 strike a pose

14.13: Team 15 chilling in the National Gallery
14.11: The LOST team are nearly home!
13.56: Commitment to the cause – teams 25 and 26 sporting LOST henna tattoos.
13.47: Team 33 (maybe?) made it into a football stadium. Something something football.
13.44: The Tab is proud to display, exclusively, the list of challenges our teams have to complete:

13.36: Team 15 stop to do a bit of sit-down protesting on behalf of cardboard dice everywhere

13.34: Team 8 are in Heathrow. Do they think they’re doing Jailbreak?

13.23: Luke has been left alone in RAG HQ while the team all went to the loo. Teams, if any of you are going to die, can you hold on for 5 minutes?

13.07: Team 37 is getting all educational up in this place, I don’t like the look of that turtle though he looks far too smug

What is he looking at?

13.02: The team 7 elves seem to have got themselves in a bit of trouble

Working for a serial housebreaker does have it’s downsides

12.59: Team 11 are tasting the local cuisine, but maybe this one is a bit too fresh…

This one’s still moving guys

12.55: They’re even going off the book to go ice skating, cause why not?

These guys are killing it

12.50: The weather isn’t dampening Team 26 attempts to recreate titanic

‘I’m flying jack, I’m flying’

12.47: More weird planking going on, what is so alluring about this fish?

We’re not even going to question what is going on here

12.42: Team 20 are getting star struck with Linda Barker

She’s famous we promise

12.37: It’s not just team 26 that are getting hot under the collar

Resisting the urge to look around

12.33: We’re starting to think that Rag have lost it and are just trying to give all their contestants hypothermia in some sort of sick revenge plot…

It’s November, November!!!

12.30: Team 26 getting slightly off topic and into dangerous territory, but in all honestly, who can blame them?

“I touch her softly along her thigh and the sound of hundreds of middle aged woman groaning greets my ears”

At least they’re still smiling, just about

12.23: The clichés are coming thick and fast

Brighton rock on Brighton pier, its almost like this is a challange

12.13: Team 9 have located Jeremy Clarksons in his new job

This is the fastest train, IN the World


12.09: The money is pouring in, keep it up guys!

How could anyone refuse those eyes?


12.05: Team 10 made it onto brighton FM! you might be able to catch them here:


12.00 We told you that team 8 weren’t hanging around, maybe they can get a flight from heathrow to stansted?

That’s just showing off

11.54: Team 9 are using their time well, even spiders need to get beach ready

This doesn’t make me feel lazy at all…

11.49: Team 6 are in the sea. Why are team 6 in the sea? Team 6 are mad.
11.45: Team 30’s Johnny and Esme have taken a slight detour to Brighton Pier and both had extensive plastic surgery.

11.37: Shocking revelation – RAG HQ are in meltdown as it turns out Team 8 are already on the coach back to Cambridge! If all the teams follow suit this could be a very short live blog..

11.27: We’re already getting some very inventive poses

Artistic selfie through a pebble

team 31 doing a brilliant imitation of a statue

11.15: The lost team certainly know what their doing, free food all around!

It’s just started pouring – but We’re nice and dry inside!

10:13: Team 7 found a farmer in Falmer

What a coincidence

09:55: And some teams already have their first donation from the public…


That was quick.

09:53: A few teams have already made it to Brighton #AheadOfTheGame

9:27: The teams have just dropped the teams off in Falmer, near Brighton!
Big thanks to David the bus driver…

What bae

9:44: Team 29 sent us a selfie.

We are having so much fun..

7:50: The teams are heading off to location X

On our way..

They clearly thought it was a good idea