Every New Year’s resolution Warwick students should actually keep this year

Try not to get kicked out of Smack

New year, new me right? It’s time to kick all those nasty habits that Warwick students seem particularly prone to make and set ourselves some challenges for 2017. New Year is a time of self-reflection and improvement so with a lot of thought I think I’ve found a few resolutions that all Warwick students should want to follow.

Go to Kasbah more

Yes, we know it’s all the way in Coventry and it’s effort but let’s be serious, Kasbah is the best club around. Every once and a while, pop on the Uniexpress to Cov and relive Freshers’, where you went out every Monday with absolutely no consequences.


You know you miss it

Don’t miss any 9ams

This may seem unrealistic after the previous resolution but try and peel your hungover body off your mattress, splash some water over your face and make it into that 9am lecture you haven’t stepped foot in since week one. You’ll see your lecturer’s face light up with an extra body in the room and you may actually learn something which lecture capture missed.

Don’t get kicked out of Smack

Okay, this is a tough one to start with and most of us are gonna struggle with that, because clubs in Leamington are notorious for kicking you out. Just try really hard not to get too drunk, or too sober, or too tired, or be too loud or dance too much or basically do anything that’ll catch a bouncer’s attention. It’s not expected that everyone can keep this resolution, but it’s a challenge nevertheless.


Actually keep hold of, and finish, your Union Coffee loyalty cards

Most people seem to have about six of these unfinished in various pockets and bags to try and actually get that free coffee you’ve been promised. You spend enough there to deserve at least one!

Report your damp

Living in Leam is great apart from the fact that almost all houses seem to have some issues. Whether it’s damp or mould, a broken window, dodgy toilet or a hole in your wall, just report it. It’s one of those things people always seem to put off, but trust me living in a damp free house is really quite pleasant.

Learn to cook more than just pesto pasta

I’m looking at you freshers. You can’t just eat pasta every night and because pesto is green, it doesn’t automatically make it healthy. So try and make a stir fry every now and then or go wild and make a casserole!


Plus you can instagram your photo and get all the likes

Learn some basic French

You may as well because this campus has a lot of French students who like to talk in their native tongue. Learn useful phrases like bonjour and je m’appelle or perhaps silence s’il vous plait, nous sommes dans la bibliothèque – which means be quiet, we’re in the library. Just useful phrases for the everyday.

Make it onto campus style

All I’m saying is on Thursday and Friday when our fashion blogger is scoping out the best dressed on campus, try and put a little bit more effort it. Put on a new pair of brogues, wear a choker or carry a nice bag and you’ll probably be spotted, if you loiter around the piazza for long enough.


You’ll have to look this good tbf

Photo Credits: Kasbah