Cov lay down Varsity marker

The Tab takes a preview of the upcoming annual epic.

With less than four weeks to go until Varsity ’13 kicks off, Coventry have been the first to signal their intent – by releasing the most boar-ing video in YouTube history.

The message from our local poly has been sent out loud and clear: They’re back and this year they know how to get dressed!

Coventry’s finest…? Not too much to worry about then

In the past few years Team Phoenix have put large amounts of cash into improving their sports teams, offering what they call ‘one of the best sports scholarship support programmes in the country’.

Despite all of this investment they’re yet to actually beat Warwick in a Varsity series. Ever.

If ever there was a strong case for eugenics it’s the specimens in this video.

Be very scared Warwick, very scared

This year’s ‘competition’ kicks off on 25 February with the traditional Ice Hockey curtain-raiser.

The Varsity Day finale falls on 9 March, where our men’s Rugby League and Union 1sts will play it out at the Butts Park Arena for the Varsity trophy.

Shoe the poly.