Things you’ll know if you’re a student living in your own hometown

It’s the way forward

Most students go away for university so that they can escape the terrors of their hometown and explore a new place and make new friends. This is a load of rubbish. Moving away is good but why fling yourself miles away to places such as Dundee or Swansea when everything you need is right in front of you?

Home sweet home

You know where everything is

Who has the time during freshers week to shuffle around hungover desperately trying to figure out whether it is the 180 or the 195 bus to get into University? Prior local knowledge would allow you to sleep in hours later in preparation for the next long night with your new flatmates. They rely on you to get them to the club because you did a scouting trip the previous summer to familiarise yourself with where all the action is.

If you’re sat reading this and have yet to find which shop does the brand of Berry Acai vodka you enjoyed with your school friends, then it seems as if staying in your hometown would have been best. You know where the all the shops are and all the locations for activities that you would otherwise miss because you don’t understand the town you’re in and it doesn’t understand you.

You’ll eat mum’s home cooked food

Tired of cooking noodles or pasta constantly but can’t afford to go out or order a dominos? Bet you miss Mum’s roast lamb or lasagne. Staying in your hometown allows you to simply waltz into your parent’s house, dump some washing and relax watching trash on the TV – TV license and SkySports paid for – whilst Mum cooks probably the only solid non-junk food you have eaten this semester.

Bet you wont be eating this at uni

You can still venture out to visit friends

What are friends for? Going away to cities that you can visit without having to endure nine months of new accents and strange new transport Infrastructure. Visiting friends once they are settled in at their Universities enables you to just turn up while they do all the work figuring out how to negotiate the wonders of Swindon’s “Magic Roundabout”. Plus they already know the best place for a night out so just turn up (in both senses of the phrase).

Forgot to take your new winter coat? Just hop on a 20 minute bus ride

Who needs the royal mail? Living in your home town allows you to literally pop over for the items you forgot. You don’t need to remember your student card to go to the far end of campus to some little nook or cranny to get your post. Just wander in side. Any important letters will be kept by the security of Mum and Dad and won’t be lost by the underperforming deliveries that are 3 days overdue. This can also be used to an advantage when you have had enough of those anti-social housemates who sit around all day eating last nights chinese and drinking 17p Tesco sugar free lemonade.

You never miss home

Homesickness Is a major problem facing many students this year. Living independently in your hometown allows you to have the full university experience whilst not worrying about how you are going to cope without a cup of tea with Mum, or without stroking your pets in front of Eastenders. There’s also a sense of parental utopia due to your new “I’m an adult now, no rules apply” fortress of student-ude.

Being at home is easily better than halls

So basically, don’t run away to Edinburgh or Exeter just to find yourself, stay with what you know and live independently close to the comforts you are used too. You have the rest of your life to see the sights of Warwick or Hull.