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Sussex uni striking staff who work to their contract will not have pay reduced

The university are yet to release a statement

With the UCU strikes entering into their second week, the University of Sussex has agreed to pay staff who fulfill their minimum contractual obligations.

At 8am this morning, student representatives met with delegates of the university to discuss how the university could care for and "show some semblance of solidarity" with striking staff. What followed was an agreement to follow the UCU line on ASOS (Action Short of Strike), whereby staff who work to their contract will not have their pay docked.

Further meetings are due to be held with heads of schools, management, and students to discuss how channels of communication can be freed up and improved, and other "concerns, criticisms, and priorities."

Student strikers will take no direct action on campus today in order to allow Adam Tickell and the university management to communicate with Sussex UCU representatives.