Image may contain: Kissing, Kiss, Asleep, Person, People, Human

Your ultimate guide to Galentine’s in Brighton

Your perfect guide to a perfect day


Feeling low about being a single pringle this Valentine’s Day? Well don’t you worry, we think pringles are actually super tasty and have got you sorted for your perfect Galentines Day. Filled with cuddles, chocolate and alcohol – not necessarily in that order – here’s how to have the best Galentines yet.

Well first off, why only celebrate in the evening? Take the phrase 'treat yo’self' to a whole new level, kicking off the day with an elegant brunch. It doesn’t even have to be elegant, as long as you’re smiling and stuffing your face like a hamster, nothing else matters. So grab your gals, purses and appetites and get out there; we recommend Red Roasters by Morrisons, Brewed on Lewes Road or Bills in town.

Image may contain: Road, Overpass, Freeway, Pizza, Food, Vase, Pottery, Potted Plant, Plant, Person, People, Jar, Human, Flora

'Twas rather overwhelming

You’re bound to see all this pink fluffy mushy lovey dovey crap flooding your insta feeds. Ella and her beau went for a romantic stroll along the beach and you’re looking for a way to one up her with your gal pals. Well nothing beats our very own beloved Brighton pier. It’s everyone’s not-so-guilty pleasure and lets face it, the pier makes for some cute af pictures. You and your gals can all take turns trying to win each other stuffed animals, because who doesn’t want an oversized teddy bear?

Image may contain: Smile, Portrait, Face, Person, People, Human

Time for food again, because you had to do lots of walking along the pier. Whatever it is get something super yummy that will make you happy. If you’re a chocaholic like me, then chocolate pudding is the way forward.

Image may contain: Cookie, Brownie, Biscuit, Spoon, Cutlery, Cake, Chocolate, Food, Dessert, Creme, Cream

Insta ready?

Now this next one may be hard, but it’s worth it if you can pull it off. Find an animal and cuddle it to death. Being single, you only have to think about you, yourself and – you guessed it – you! Animals completely respect this, in fact, they kinda facilitate it. All they want is cuddles and lets face it, you do too.

Image may contain: Pet, Mammal, Cat, Animal


You’re already out, so why not go do another fun activity? You and your galfriends could go play laser tag, go ice skating or even go on the British Airways i360. At least when you’re up that high you’ll be away from all the pink sparkly bullshit.

Image may contain: Rink, Ice Skating, Sports, Sport, Skating, Person, People, Human

Are we #goals yet?

Now it’s evening time and you’re wondering how to avoid all the dinner pics right? Well whether you’re a party girl or a stay at home movie lover I can guarantee you’ll have a banging night.

Whip out your fave jim-jams, make some hot chocolate, get into bed and whack on a movie. None of this soppy emotional shit that's going to make you cry though (although Bridget Jones is amazing). Put something on that's going to make you cry but with laughter instead.

Image may contain: Haircut, Hair, Furniture, Bed, Box

Duvet Date

On the other hand, you may wanna get white-girl-wasted. In this case, get dressed up with your gals and have a wild night out. Pryzm is always a messy option on a Wednesday or if, like me, you love live music, get yourself down to Casablancas to see Sammy and his band nailing it with all of our favourite bangers.

Image may contain: Skirt, Miniskirt, Clothing, Night Life, Night Club, Club, Woman, Girl, Female, Blonde, Person, People, Human

Finally, to conclude your perfect Galentines Day, have a cuppa and a cuddle. At the end of the day gals there’s nothing better than having some gal time and what a perfect opportunity this is.

Image may contain: Smile, Portrait, Face, Person, People, Human


So what's most important on this love filled day folks, is to just love each other. Show each other you care and make each other feel special. Importantly, show yourself you matter and treat yo'self because you deserve it.