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Behind the lens; we chatted to Photomatic, Brighton’s boutique photo booth shop

Strike a pose

In the heart of Brighton's very own North Laine lies the popular photo booth shop, Photomatic. On the shop's second anniversary, we spoke to James, the head of Photomatic, who gave us a run down on the ins and outs of what it was like to work in such a unique shop.

So James, what’s the funniest photo you’ve ever seen?

Speaking to The Tab Sussex, James said "We get some very creative people in here, and we love it when people use their imagination with the photos.

"The ones that make me laugh the most are the ones that we can’t publish anywhere, so you’d have to use your imagination, there’s some fairly extreme stuff.

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"Me and my colleague have a running battle where we find the most embarrassing photo and put it up on the wall or on the window for each other to find."

We heard that there was a wedding proposal here. How did that play out?

"We’ve actually had a few proposals; people go into the booths with our 'Will you marry me?' signboard. Recently, a man proposed to his girlfriend in the booth, and she came out crying with the ring on. The photos really caught her reactions."

Have any celebrities ever come into the store?

"Yes definitely, off the top of my head we’ve had Noah Taylor from 'Game of Thrones' and 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. Of course all the YouTubers that live around here like Zoella and Alfie have popped in, along with Hannah Pixie Snowdon and Daisy Lowe."

Finally, what would you say is the best part about your job?

"The customer interaction, we always have such nice people coming in and going through the archive and seeing all that really cheers me up and almost restores a faith in humanity.

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"We get people having fun in here all the time and seeing that every day is a major thing for me."