Union apathy cancels meeting (again)

Less than 60 people turned up to ‘Stir It Up’

The latest students union general meeting was called to close after just 20 minutes.

Less than sixty people, the minimum required to vote on motions, showed up to the event to discuss policies on gender neutral toilets, women in sport and creating an “egalitarian university”.

Rows and rows of empty seats

Last semester a similar meeting was cut short when more than sixty people turned up but some left before the end.

With no hope of passing his own motion, Alasdair Ibbotson voted to call the meeting to an early close. He was seconded in the motion by Jenny Lester (who also had a motion that was now unpassable) and the room voted in their favour.

Lester told The Tab the lack of people turning up was “a shame”.

Prior to this, Richard Raymond had given a brief report on the union’s activities and the elections committee gave a brief summary of March’s election results. Ian Glen also took the time to praise Stirling’s media outlets for their coverage of the election. (Editors’ note: cheers, Ian, you’re welcome to play Fuck, Marry, Kill, Re-Elect if you’d like to!)

Ibbotson talks to Raymond after the meeting was voted to an end

Apologies were given for the absence of Lucy Harvey (annual leave), Rebecca Gracey (in Westminster) and Johannes Butscher (he’s away at an NUS conference where Scottish sabbatical officers take part in seven-man orgies).

The meeting was not set to discuss the subject of the military on campus, despite assurances to former president Luke Fenton that the meeting would address the issue.

Alasdair Ibbotson’s proposal about an egalitarian university was going to urge the university to rename Queen’s Court because the university’s meritocratic sensibilities clash with a system of monarchy – even though the university was founded by Royal Charter.

What if we call it Queen’s Court to remember the band because they played here in 1974?