How to Beat the Revision Blues
We’ve got your back…
Revision. We all have to do it. Whether you’re a struggling fourth year who’s just a few library all-nighters away from a First Class in Economics, or a keen first year who’s desperate to prove yourself after you missed out on that A* in A Level History… you gotta do it.
No fear! No need to panic! I’ve compiled a list of the tips and treats that all you slogging St Andreans should take note of when trying to beat those dastardly revision blues.
Okay… so maybe this one is just because I revise at the kitchen table and constantly have my hand stuck in the fridge, but you all feel me when I say FOOD IS THE SWEET NECTAR OF LIFE! And especially, especially when you’re on hour number four of revision and have lost the will to live. Seriously though: grab a glass of water (hydration is key) and have a supply of snacks on hand that will get you through the day and give you the little sugar high that you need. It doesn’t matter if you’re a “carrot sticks and hummus” kinda guy, or if you prefer to inhale leftover Easter egg – no one is judging you when you’re in the revision zone.
Yes, sleep. Get lots of those precious ZZZs because God knows that the day before your first exam you’re gunna be lying awake at two in the morning, bathing in a pile of empty sweet wrappers and poring over that bloody lecture that you fell asleep in. Listen to your drooping eye-lids and hit the hay! Let’s be honest, we’re all suffering from the last eleven weeks of 9am tutorials and late nights at the Lizard, so whack on your favourite PJs and snuggle up. Bliss.
Run around. Go to the gym. Scream into your pillow. Cry into a pint in the pub. JUST GET OUT OF THE BLOODY HOUSE! We all make the classic mistake of trying to revise for ten straight hours, and then feel exasperated when we look at our measly pile of flashcards. Do an hour, do something else, and then come back to it. Personally, I get up earlier and then finish revision before dinner, which means I always have my evenings off to go and do something AWESOME AND CRAZY FUN (aka. Netflix).
Stick with it people! It’s only a few more weeks until we’ll be basking in the summer sun with thoughts of exams far behind us…
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