Five things you must do this week

1. VOTE. Every three years we get the opportunity to elect our Rector – Rudyard Kipling, J.M Barrie, John Cleese and, of course, Kevin Dunion have all held the position. […]

1. VOTE. Every three years we get the opportunity to elect our Rector – Rudyard Kipling, J.M Barrie, John Cleese and, of course, Kevin Dunion have all held the position. With turnout at a mere 26% last time round, let’s carry the beacon of democracy and get voting. Voting is online from Wednesday at noon until Friday at 5pm, and in three stations around town on Friday: the Library, the Students Association and by the Physics Building. Check out the stand’s in-depth interviews with all five budding candidates.


2. Desperate for a fur stole now the winter winds are coming? St Andrews Very Vintage Fair will be here on Saturday in Younger Hall. With swing dance attendance up in St Andrews and all those hipsters at Squeeze, go crazy, buy some cut offs and act like you’re riding this week’s vintage wave! Tickets are only £3 and available on the door.


3. Go see King Creosote and Kid Canaveral on Sunday at 4pm. After a long week of work, and with Halloween on Monday to provide you with that beginning-of-the-week hangover, try something relaxing on Sunday. King Creosote, along with his six-piece band, is considered a leading figure in the UK folk scene, and was recently nominated for the Mercury music prize. Kid Canaveral are a born and bred St Andrews band; they formed when they were students here. Tickets are available ahead of time at the General Office and Taste for £6, or you could buy one on the door for £8 (it pays to buy early). Go to this Music is Love gig, certain to be a success – is there anything that sounds better than folk on a Sunday afternoon? 


4. Audition for a play. Yes, it’s week five already (how did that happen?), your last essay experience was like something from ‘The Flatmate Diaries‘, and you’ve promised yourself that if being a refugee in short-loan is the way to an 18.5, then so be it. But with the lure of St Andrews stardom, how can you resist? Auditions for Talk Radio, Love, Jazz and the Devil and Boston Marriage start this week.


5. Get Empire. As we said, it’s week five. Go all retro on us: pretend you’re back in Freshers’ Week and wake up with a food baby.