Get your SHAG on

In case it perhaps slipped the attention of studious St Andrews, these last few days have been witness to  SHAG Week 2011. SHAG Week aims to promote sexual health awareness […]


In case it perhaps slipped the attention of studious St Andrews, these last few days have been witness to  SHAG Week 2011. SHAG Week aims to promote sexual health awareness across St Andrews, making sure that everybody has a wonderful time and is safe in the process. Wouldn’t want any of those nasty infections now, would we? That would just spoil things.


SHAG Week has worked in collaboration with other Student Association societies such as Art Soc, Film Soc, LGBT, Medsin and the new Stop Aids Society to promote sexual health awareness with various events taking place across the week. Monday saw the LGBT society giving a sexual health talk at The Vic, while Tuesday saw a Self Defence Workshop at the Salad Bowl. On Thursday evening, you may have been Speed Dating in the Salad Bowl, or perhaps – for the more aesthetically inclined – you were mesmerised by the still life drawing session at the Barron Theatre.

For all boppers, on Friday there will be a SHAG Week themed bop with a twist. As an added incentive for those who enjoy making giant water balloons, there will be free condoms handed out with each ticket.

SHAG week aims to burst (insert condom joke here) the taboo of sex. A sexual health clinic will be up and running all week in the health suite on the top floor of the union and will be open from 1:00 – 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. Here, you can receive confidential advice, guidance, contraception, and STD tests all courtesy of our beloved NHS. This clinic is also open every Wednesday afternoon throughout term time.

Have a shagtastically safe week, standers!