Itchy Feet – bringing something different to Southampton nightlife

Aren’t we all bored of listening to 90s pop repeats and the same old house remixes?

Southampton students may be luckier than some considering the night life options we do have – Oceana, Jesters, Sobar, Junk, Switch and even the possibility of Sankey’s coming to us soon. But after a while, it can get to listen to the same Top 40 and classic songs, remixed and sampled by artist after artist, no matter how cool the club is. Enter Itchy Feet.

Their vintage-themed nights offer a breath of fresh air on a scene that gets repetitive after three years. A chance to dress up in a poodle skirt, or a cool shift dress, tease your hair to the max and actually dance. Saturday night’s Motown-themed event brought the Northern Soul era to life in 21st century Southampton. Girls rocked cool twiggy eyeliner while the boys wore braces and bow ties, un-ironically.

The atmosphere was unlike anything else in Southampton – everyone was there to have a good time, and while the drinks were flowing, people were undoubtedly there to dance until their feet wore out. When live band Freddie and the Freeloaders took to the stage, Engine Rooms was jumping, and there wasn’t a person in the house who wasn’t singing along to every tune. Complete with a trumpet, saxophone, and a guitarist who could play it behind his head, they took the authenticity of the night to another level. It’s no surprise, considering they’re due to play at Glastonbury later this year.

The party rolled on until late into the night, girls dancing around their clutch bags and no one was trying to be cool.

Check out Itchy Feet’s Facebook Page to stay up-to-date for when they next roll into town.